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Altec Lansing VersA Bridge allows you to connect your Altec Lansing VersA speaker to work with Amazon Alexa voice control via Wi-Fi. Altec Lansing HID Audio Controls free download. Get the latest version now. Altec Lansing HID Audio Controls.OS installed driver. For information only. ALTEC, ALTEC LANSING, and the Altec Lansing logo are marks of Altec Lansing/AL Infinity, LLC. Altec Lansing Drivers free download - Drivers For Free, CopyTrans Drivers Installer, Adaptec ASPI Drivers , and many more programs This Altec Lansing stereo is the perfect loud speaker for you to listen to your favorite beats all day and night. Certified IP68 waterproof rated: water resistant speaker built for the pool, beach, poolside, and floating within the pool. A wind, splash, dust, sand and shockproof construction is just what you need for your extreme life.

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